Update iLO firmware version of HPE ProLiant server

In this post, I would like to share with you a PowerShell script I use to update the iLO firmware version of multiple HPE ProLiant servers

During my research on how to update the firmware version of the iLO of a HPE ProLiant server, I used code from the following web sites:



This script uses the HPEiLOCmdLets PowerShell Module, which can be installing using this PowerShell command:

Install-Module -Name HPEiLOCmdLets

Before running this script (I suggest you try it on 1 server first šŸ˜‰ ), first update these variables:

  • $iLO4_FirmwareVersion
  • $iLO4_FirmwareFile
  • $iLO5_FirmwareVersion
  • $iLO5_FirmwareFile
  • $iLO_Range

These should reflect the latest firmware versions and files for the iLO4 (HPE ProLiant Gen8/9) and the iLO5 (HPE ProLiant Gen10).
Variable $iLO_Range must reflect the IP address range of the iLO’s you want to update. If you just want to update 1 iLO, enter the value as ‘’.
The values in the script below are examples only and need to be changed to your environment.

# Load module HPEiLOCmdlets
$ModuleName = 'HPEiLOCmdlets'
If (-not (Get-Module -Name $ModuleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
    Import-Module $Modulename

### Variables section ###
# iLO 4 variables
$iLO4_Type = 'Integrated Lights-Out 4 (iLO 4)'
$iLO4_FirmwareVersion = '2.80'
$iLO4_FirmwareFile = '\\<servername>\<share name>\Firmware\iLO4\ilo4_280.bin'

# iLO 5 variables
$iLO5_Type = 'Integrated Lights-Out 5 (iLO 5)'
$iLO5_FirmwareVersion = '2.71'
$iLO5_FirmwareFile = '\\<servername>\<share name>\Firmware\iLO5\ilo5_271.fwpkg'

## Define IP range
$iLO_Range = ''

# iLO credentials
$Credential = Get-Credential -Message "Please enter the username and password used for connecting with the iLO's:"

# Get information from all iLO's
$iLO_Info = Find-HPEiLO -Range $iLO_Range

# Find iLO's with an outdated firmware version and update them

$iLO_info | ForEach-Object {

    If ($_.PN -eq $iLO4_Type) {

        If ($_.FWRI -ne $iLO4_FirmwareVersion) {
            $Connection = Connect-HPEiLO -IP $_.IP -Credential $credential  -DisableCertificateAuthentication
            If ($Connection) {
                Write-Host 'A connection has been made with the iLO of server' $_.Hostname
                Write-Host 'Starting firmware update...'
                Update-HPEiLOFirmware -Connection $Connection -Location $iLO4_FirmwareFile -Confirm:$false
                Write-Host 'Finished with firmware upgrade. Let''s check the current version...'
                $1 = (Find-HPEiLO -Range $_.IP).FWRI
                If ($1) {
                    Write-Host 'The iLO firmware version of server' $_.Hostname 'is:' $1
                Disconnect-HPEiLO -Connection $Connection -InformationAction Ignore
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
                Write-Host '*************************************************************************************'
        } Else {
            Write-Host 'The iLO firmware of server'$_.Hostname'is already at version'$iLO4_FirmwareVersion

    } ElseIf ($_.PN -eq $iLO5_Type) {

        If ($_.FWRI -ne $iLO5_FirmwareVersion) {
            $Connection = Connect-HPEiLO -IP $_.IP -Credential $credential  -DisableCertificateAuthentication
            If ($Connection) {
                Write-Host '*************************************************************************************'
                Write-Host 'A connection has been made with the iLO of server' $_.Hostname
                Write-Host 'Starting firmware update...'
                Update-HPEiLOFirmware -Connection $Connection -Location $iLO5_FirmwareFile -Confirm:$false
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 15
                Write-Host 'Finished with firmware upgrade...'
                Disconnect-HPEiLO -Connection $Connection -InformationAction Ignore

                Write-Host '*************************************************************************************'
        } Else {
            Write-Host 'The iLO firmware of server'$_.Hostname 'is already at version'$iLO5_FirmwareVersion


# *******************************************************************

As always, please keep in mind this script is tailored to my environment but can be used as a template for your environment. I do not pretend to be a PowerShell guru and as such my script may not be perfect. I am open to suggestions, though šŸ™‚
If you found this script useful, Iā€™d appreciate it if you leave a comment.

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